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About us

We are the partner for your legal claims!

AdvoFin is the market leader in the area of litigation financing for collective proceedings/class actions.

Founded in 2001 as an Austrian litigation financing company and financed by financially strong institutional investors, AdvoFin’s business principle is to work independently and across all legal practices.

Why litigation funding?

In many cases, the complexity of the cases, the low amount of damage (in relation to the legal costs) and the cost risk, which is often difficult to calculate, have shown that there are hardly any opportunities for individual injured parties to enforce their claims. For this reason, justified cases are often not pursued. The claimant thus waives his claims entirely and suffers a considerable financial disadvantage.

AdvoFin finances such court proceedings and assumes the entire litigation and cost risk of “collective proceedings”. By bundling the claims, it is also possible to pursue lower individual amounts in dispute, which the claimants would otherwise not be able or willing to pursue due to the high cost risk.

In addition to financing the process, AdvoFin is involved in structuring the case together with the lawyer you trust, who conducts the process, and takes care of the administrative handling and ongoing contact with the clients.

AdvoFin does not conduct any litigation itself, does not provide legal advice and therefore works independently and on a cross-lawyer basis. AdvoFin’s independence rules out conflicts of interest. AdvoFin decides freely on financing offers and does not allow itself to be influenced by potent opponents or the constraints of the case.

In addition to the financing and support of class actions, AdvoFin also offers clients with a claim against third parties with a value in dispute of EUR 1,000,000 or more the option of individual financing. You can find all information on this under „Finanzierung Ihres individuellen Anspruchs“.


Dr. Gerhard Wüest

Member of the Management Board

Mag. (FH) Stefan Bohar, CTE

Member of the Management Board