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FAQs on litigation funding

Frequently asked questions

Your questions about AdvoFin and litigation financing – answered briefly and concisely.

What will it cost me to take out litigation financing with AdvoFin?

Concluding litigation financing with AdvoFin or participating in one of our class actions is free of charge and risk for you! AdvoFin finances the costs of the proceedings (in and out of court) and receives a share of the proceeds in the event of success as compensation for assuming the litigation risk.

Is it possible to check my possible claims free of charge?

Naturally. After you contact us and send us the required documents, AdvoFin employees will check your claims free of charge and clarify the next steps with you directly.

Do I keep my claims or does AdvoFin buy them from me?

As a rule, you retain your claims. AdvoFin only acts as a litigation financier. The proceedings are conducted by a lawyer authorized by you.

How long does it usually take to enforce my claims?

This varies greatly from case to case and depends on the complexity of the case and the willingness of the other party to find a solution. It would be unreliable for AdvoFin to make a blanket statement.

Is legal action always taken immediately?

No. Depending on the case, individual lawsuits (as model lawsuits) or a large number of lawsuits are filed. AdvoFin bears the cost risk.

Is AdvoFin suing in my name or in its own name?

AdvoFin does not take legal action itself. Any legal action will be conducted by the lawyer you have appointed.

What happens if a lawsuit in my name is lost? Do I have a risk here?

No. The cost risk is borne entirely by AdvoFin. You will not incur any costs or risks as a result.

I have a claim that AdvoFin is not actively pursuing as part of a project. Does AdvoFin also finance such claims?

AdvoFin examines and finances individual cases from a claim value of € 1 million. You are welcome to send us your inquiry here.

How will I be kept informed about the progress of my claim?

Our customers receive regular information on their procedures by email or mail.

From what amount of damage can I register for litigation financing?

Participation in a project run by AdvoFin is possible regardless of the amount of your claim. Individual financing requests for individual claims are examined from a claim amount of € 1 million.

What documents are required for AdvoFin to pursue my claims?

The required documents are highly case-dependent and can be found in the respective application forms for the individual projects. Our staff will contact you if the documents sent are not complete or if further documents are required.

Are there any cases/damages that AdvoFin does not accept as a matter of principle?

No. It is AdvoFin’s business principle to work independently and on a cross-lawyer basis. AdvoFin decides freely on financing offers and does not allow itself to be influenced by potent opponents or the constraints of the case.

How high is AdvoFin's participation in the event of success?

This depends on the case. However, the participation usually amounts to 25% – 37% of the proceeds generated for the customer.

Is it possible to enforce my claims out of court?

Yes, an out-of-court settlement with the other party is also conceivable or has already been reached several times as part of out-of-court settlements.