What is litigation funding? office@advofin.at Youtube Facebook WhatsApp: +43 664 9155308
There are often significant obstacles to the judicial enforcement of claims

  • High complexity of cases
  • Difficult to calculate, high cost risk
  • Relatively low claim amounts

Legitimate cases are therefore regularly not pursued. As a result, claimants waive their claims and suffer considerable financial losses.

As part of projects (class actions), AdvoFin summarises the claims of a large number of claimants with similar circumstances. AdvoFin acts as a litigation financier, structures the proceedings together with lawyers and ensures that the case is handled smoothly.


We currently offer litigation funding for the following areas:

How does litigation funding with AdvoFin work?

Your advantages with litigation financing byAdvofin

  • AdvoFin assumes the full risk of legal costs – the claimants do not have to finance the costs of pursuing the claim themselves.
  • AdvoFin only receives a share of the amount recovered for the claimant in the event of success. AdvoFin’s remuneration is therefore entirely success-based and does not incur any fixed costs for the claimant.
  • Complex cases are professionally processed and managed, even for small individual sums – AdvoFin keeps its clients constantly up to date on case developments and ensures that claims are pursued in a flawless and professional manner.